Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday morning Reiki

April 10, 2011 – Sunday Reiki
I'm generally an empiricist. I need proof before I'll buy into anything. But now I have cancer and I've had offers for spiritual healing so I've decided to add to my "science based" treatments. I would never eschew medical care for the unproven faith based healing offered by non-medical providers. However, I do know we have a spiritual side and I also know this kind of attention to my well-being can do no harm and very well might do some good. So I’ve now had two hour long sessions with professional Reiki providers and a massage therapist. I feel well prepared for my several months of medical care. Tomorrow it begins.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I guess when you get (very!) sick you start to believe into anything (God, evil, and holly spirit)that might help you go through.
