Monday, April 11, 2011

Day One - They should all be this good

Day one at the RadDoc was a piece of cake. It will likely be the easiest day of treatment as I start with ChemoDoc tomorrow at 9 - after RadDoc at 7:45. Should be a long day. My wife took a few photos which are included here. This upset her way more than me. My Hanibal Lecter mask leaves "mesh marks" on my face for about 20 minutes afterward. The least of my worries.


  1. Ben and Joanne,
    There are wonderful and good things to come. I can see your fighting spirit Ben, and Joanne's supporting and nurturing nature set you well on the way to recovery. Combine that with the love and support of your friends and family, and knowing that you never face this alone, will help on thise days when you feel...not your best. God bless you my friend!

  2. Ben, it is wonderful that you are sharing your experience with others. You will get through this and one day you will realize that you don't have a rad or chemo to go to and what the hell are you going to do with yourself? LOL You get so used to having to be somewhere that when it is all done it is so foreign to have no treatments on the calendar. And I promise...that day WILL come when you can say "this is my last one!" Props my friend - Penny

  3. Ben, You are on your way. I know it has been difficult---waiting to begin----but here you go----stay strong---work hard at kicking this thing's butt.

  4. Ben: Glad things went well the first day -- I know in my old bones that you'll be just fine and better than ever when this is all over. We're pulling for you!

    The Redwoods
