Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27, 2011 – Plodding Along Waiting To Get Better

June 27, 2011 – Plodding Along Waiting To Get Better

When oh when will my throat start to feel better? So much of my health is in good shape right now:  I have consumed 6 cans of Sludge (Boost/IsoSource) for 4 straight days now (easily too). This at least prevents me from losing any more weight (lost about 16 to 18 pounds I think up to now) but I’m freakin’ HUNGRY!! Everything smells good to me and I want food – but I can’t eat. It hurts like hell to eat anything and this really hasn’t improved in the past few weeks. I just take my pain meds by mouth (and apparently not enough of them). That, and water. That hurts too. I gave up eating anything else as it’s just too painful. Yet, when I’m not taking pills, drinking water, talking or using my throat the pain is minimal. It just shoots up when I swallow. Frustrating.
I’m finally producing less mucous which means I’m not awakened every 20 minutes choking on it. So I sleep better too; fewer naps (but I still take some). My energy level is adequate considering my damaged and weakened condition. I still have trouble concentrating on things like reading long stories or playing my guitar for long periods. I grow restless for the next thing to do – and there isn’t anything else to do.

As I said, other aspects of my life are coming around. I played 9 holes of golf for 4 days in a row. I suck at it but at least I’m out there enjoying myself. Tomorrow I’m back playing in my Tuesday night golf league and will leave right after to, yep, go home and consume more sludge and pain meds. I feel so close to being normal yet so far.
That’s the update. Tomorrow I see RadDoc again for another follow up. I’ll tell him my tale of woe and I’ll be told “it takes time” etc. Yeah, yeah, I know but I’m sooooo done with this already. But I do see progress in most areas so I’ll just keep on keeping on.

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