Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 19, 2011 - Things Continue to Improve

June 19, 2011 – Things Continue to Improve

Last weekend I was ready to cash in my chips, kiss this world good-by, look for an easy exit and generally wanted out of my misery. I hope (HOPE!!!) that was the low point in my recovery. Meanwhile……….
I woke up at 6 AM this morning on schedule to take my pain meds and took them – by mouth. I didn’t really fall back to sleep because I had a better night’s sleep than in recent times (less mucous, less pain, less misery). I got out of bed after 7 and drank, yes drank a bottle of Boost. I then washed that down with swallowed water and followed that with some Coke down my tube (Coke is still a bit harsh for my throat). I read the paper for a while and then around 9 AM I went outside and mowed the lawn. I came in and showered, again took my pain pills by mouth and consumed (by tube) a can of IsoShure before heading out to Costco. I was home by 11:30 and it already felt like I had a better complete day than in months. And it was only 11:30.

The day has gone pretty well since. My throat suffered a bit from the abuse so when I tried to eat some yogurt it hurt a bit more than I liked so I didn’t do much of that. I’ll be nice to my throat the rest of the day but am happy with the progress I’m making. My burned out throat is my last battle. Once that heals I’m on my way. It will still be months.
I’ve quit losing weight as I’ve been able to handle 4 to 5 cans of “food” per day now. I’m still very weak but not as tired (no naps after my lawn work and shopping) so life feels better all the way around. The dreaded nausea seems to have left and my massive mucous production is way down (as is my tissue consumption). I think I’m ready to head to the practice green and do some chipping and putting (95 degree days are a disincentive however).

I hope this continues.


  1. Hurray, for a GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. You are amazing! Just don't overdo...

  3. Hi Ben, Keep the good days coming!!!!!!!!! Love ya, Meg

  4. Hey Ben, good luck and have a great day again. All the best !!!
