Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4, 2011 – Hiccups??!! Are You Kidding Me?????

July 4, 2011 – Hiccups??!! Are You Kidding Me?????

I noticed my stomach hasn’t felt quite as good the past few days with no nausea but just some general discomfort. Food hasn’t gone down (tube or otherwise) quite as easily but I was still getting it done. A couple days ago I had a bout of hiccups that lasted 15 or 20 minutes. They were sort of rapid-fire hiccups and I didn’t think much of it since everyone gets hiccups and they did go away. I had another event yesterday and they lasted a bit longer but still went away. Today I still had my stomach discomfort with more difficulty getting food down and still feeling lousy and then another bout of hiccups that lasted maybe 30 to 45 minutes. They went away again. An hour or so later they started again this time lasting over 2 hours. I called the RadDoc about an hour into it and told the doctor on call of my miseries and he said they do have to deal with hiccups sometimes. He also prescribed Thorazine, a known anti-psychotic drug which apparently also works on chronic hiccups. Unfortunately by the time I went to the drugstore it was closed for the holiday so I won’t get a chance to find out what this drug is going to do to me.
I’m very bummed out about this development. I just get somewhat comfortable with my level of pain and my slow progress toward recovery (at least I was maintaining food intake and my weight stabilized) and now this. I researched hiccups and oral cancer and my chemo treatment is sometimes implicated in hiccups but it’s been 6 weeks since I had any chemo so that shouldn’t be the reason. I have a hunch nobody will know why and I’ll be treating something with an unknown cause and a “who knows?” cure.

This disease and recovery just won’t let me go. This is not a good day for me.


  1. My brother Rob with MS gets hiccups after his prednisone, they gave him depacote and later zantac for the hiccups and it worked. I am glad you posted, Larry and I check often to hear of your recovery. All the Best, Mar

  2. Warren here, from OCF. Thank you so much Ben for logging your experience. It's making me a little less nervous, even though I know I have a huge battle to fight.

    Thank you for posting your honest experience, and the tip on the Coke and PEG tube management may end up helping me!

  3. Also, you hang in there, my uncle was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and I kinda consider you both my heroes. He has finished chemo and is having a difficult time, but still gardening and upbeat. The strength of you both blows me away, you have to do what you can and have faith, my grandpa beat prostate cancer at 83 and lived to 94. Be sure all your questions and concerns are answered and if they aren't don't be deswayed from going up north !

  4. I'm sorry to hear about that but anti-psychotic drug for hiccups? I'd be very careful about that!
