Friday, April 29, 2011

What a difference a week makes

April 29, 2011 – What a difference a week makes!

Yeah, I felt pretty good last Friday. It was nice.
I’d like to say I haven’t blogged for a few days because things were boring around here but that would be a lie. Between nausea, pain,  fever, a rash, now some reflux, thrush and all the meds to handle all that stuff it’s been a very busy 5 days. I’m better today but I wouldn’t say I’m ready for prime time. But 3 weeks of treatment are completed so I get to spend the weekend wondering if I should go ahead and get the feeding tube. Eating is horribly painful and unappealing even with pain meds. There are people who “live to eat” and people who “eat to live” and I’ve always been the latter. However I’m even more so now. Since one must have nourishment to exist so I’m counting calories (let’s see how many are there in a raisin?) to try to get to 2000 so I can shut down the food intake for the day. I’ll decide by Monday whether to get the tube or tough it out. Pain sucks.

I changed pain meds during the week and who knows if Oxycodone is the answer. It does work but I wonder if that’s what’s causing the rash – and fever – and reflux. Or is it the anti-Thrush meds or the anti-nausea meds or a combination of one or more of those.
14 of 35 Radiation treatments done – 40%!

Emotions:  You know it’s coming but you really can’t prepare so when all this hit my demeanor sunk. Each good day I was hoping for the next one to be good and I really haven’t had any totally good days since Friday. I’m quieter now. My wife says I don’t complain – well it hurts to complain! So now it’s just focusing on the moment; get that Ensure down; eat that pudding; mark off another day on the calendar. Keep moving forward. Take another nap. Charge (sound of lame trumpet)!!!


  1. Hang in there, Ben!!! We have been thinking about you. Can't wait to hear you up at the clubhouse singing again!!! I know that seems like a long way off, but just keep ticking off those days and before you know it you will be doing all the things you love to do!!

  2. Your courage and good attitude continue to impress. Thinking of you always . . . .

  3. Ben, well done you are complete week three of your journey. Keep up the strong focus and we know you will get through each day. We are with you in spirit.
    From your new friends Janis and David
